Duncan Robert Antiques

Balances, Weights & Measures page 1 of 2


Always the Unusual

Copyright Duncan Robert Antiques 2012.  E&O E.

Our prices are in Canadian dollars.




Unusual Apothecary Balance. Sides and top are all glass. By the Torsion Balance

 Company,  New York

Patent dates 1885,1889 &1891. Enamelled bar scale calibrated in grains and drachms. Fine working order.




Decorative scissors action Columbus  Postal Scale c. 1910 with British postal information.





Fine oak cased Apothecary Balance.

 Beringer type. By Troemner of Philadelphia.. Marble base. Fine working order.




Brass Postal Scales on 7” x 4” oak base with all weights from 2 oz. - 1/2 oz. Stamped ‘Made in England’ and ‘Warranted accurate’ .No maker’s signature. Mint. Probably mid 20th century.





Attractive small Countertop Scale. Cast iron body extensively embellished  and with classical female head on each side. Retains much of the original blue colouring. Deep brass pans 




The following numbers from B172 to B180 are  from a recently acquired

collection of Canadian government

standard weights and measures.




All have provenance of use by provincial

governments in inspections to monitor scales, containers and weights  used by merchants in trade




Rare Canadian Volume Standard. Imperial gallon, brass. Dated 1874. Signed by L. Oertling, London. Numbered 58. Height 7 3/4” External diameter 8 1/4” Weight 14 1/4 lbs, Lovely condition. Original lacquer,




A 10 litre &  a 20 litre Brass Standard

complete with slicks in their fitted oak case. Signed W.T.Avery & Son Ltd. Stamped Crown ER.

Numbered 2608 Dated 1903.

 See photo for details   




Extremely rare two cased set of brass Volume Standards from 20 litres to .001 litre. All numbered 2624. Signed W.T Avery & Son Ltd. Crown ER. Date 1903. Together with standard tape. See photo for details.




Brass Standard Metre in its fitted oak case  with brass plaque. Signed W.T. Avery. With the lifting handles. Marked Crown ER. (Edward VII) dated 1903.

See photo for details

